Brew #85 – Lemon Wheat

Brew #85 – Lemon Wheat

09/13/2015 – Brew day

2.25 lbs – 2 Row malt
1 lb – Red wheat malt
4 lbs – Bavarian Wheat DME
1 oz – Glacier hop pellets (5.9% alpha – 60 min)
1 tsp – Irish moss (15 min)
1 capsule – Yeast fuel (15 min)
0.125 oz – Lemon peel (5 min)

Poured the wort into an HDPE fermentation tub (what will fit in the new fermentation chambers)

Pitched one nicely-active bag of Wyeast Labs 1272 American II Ale

Aerated with O2 for 15 seconds (since I can’t shake like a car boy – not a sealing lid)

O.G.: 1.053, 13.5 degrees Brix

Fermenting at 68 degrees

09/19/2015 – Racked to secondary

09/26/2015 – Kegged

F.G.: 1.008, 6.3 degrees Brix
ABV: 5.9%

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