Brew #97 – Rye Brett Rye Porter with Rye

Brew #97 – Rye Brett Rye Porter with Rye

09/23/2016 -Brew day

4 lbs – Rye malt
1 lb – Blacklands “crystal” malt
20 oz – English Crystal Rye malt

Mashed at 155 F for 1 hr

10 oz – Chocolate malt

Added at the end of mash

Added 1 oz German Hallertau hops (Alpha: 2.7% Beta: 3.8%) at 60 minutes

O.G. – 6.3 degrees Brix (1.025 by direct conversion).  May yield ~2.2% ABV.

11/06/2016 – Racked on top of Funky Black Rhino #4 after kegging that beer.

F.G. – 0.999, 3.5 degrees Brix
ABV – 3.3%

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