Brew #96 – Zombie Dirt

Brew #96 – Zombie Dirt

08/23/2016 – Brew Day

IPA Water:

7 gal – Distilled water
0.7 g – Calcium Carbonate
1.5 g – Calcium Chloride
1.5 g – Magnesium Sulfate
3.0 g – Gypsum

10.5 lbs – Rahr 2-row malt
1.5 lbs – Munich malt
8 oz – Carapils malt
8 oz – medium Crystal malt

Mashed in a 28 qt square cooler for the first time

With a strike temp of 166 degrees F, 4 gal of water added to the mash tun fell to 145 degrees F.

Pulled a bit out and heated / readded to bring mash up to 154 degrees F (took 10 min or so)

0.5 oz – Citra hop pellets (first wort; 14% AA)
1.0 oz – Citra hop pellets (20 min)
1 tsp – Irish moss (15 min)
0.5 tsp – Yeast nutrient (15 min)
1.0 oz – Citra hop pellets (10 min)
1.0 oz – Citra hop pellets (5 min)
1.5 oz – Citra hop pellets (0 min)

Dry hop: 3 oz – Citra hop pellets

O.G. – 1.053, 13.9 degrees Brix

Added White Labs’ Clarity Ferm with the yeast.  This beer will be gluten free!

Fermented at 68 degrees F with Wyeast 1968 – London ESB Ale yeast

9/23/2016 – Racked to secondary

Added 3 ounces of Citra hops pellets.

11/06/2016 – Racked off of hops

F.G. – 0.998, 5.9 degrees Brix
ABV: 7.2%

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