Brew #93 – Dos Equis Special Lager

Brew #93 – Dos Equis Special Lager

15 # 6-Row Malt
1 # Crystal 10L Malt
1/2 # Munich Malt
4 # Flaked Maize
2 oz Tradition (alpha 4.1%, beta 4.9%) – 60 min
1/2 oz Hallertau (alpha 6.9%, beta 5.6%) – 15 min
1/2 oz Hallertau (alpha 6.9%, beta 5.6%) – 5 min
1 Mexican Oak Tree Leaf in Fall colors – 0 min
Yeast: Wyeast Pilsen Lager  2007

Note: We used two smack-pack packages of yeast.  One was about a year old, and appeared  to be dead.  It took several days at room temperature to produce enough CO2 to expand the bag.  The second was freshly-purchased.  Made two 1.5L starters, making sure to keep each labeled “old” or “new”.

3/6/2016 – Brew Day

Brewed a large batch over the propane burner outdoors.  Halved it into two fermentation buckets, labeled “A” and “B”.

Added the new yeast to “A” and the old yeast to “B”.

A: O.G. – 1.038, 10.5 degrees Brix
B: O.G. – 1.039, 9.8 degrees Brix

Fermenting at 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

3/20/2016 through 3/26/2017 – Ramped temperature up to 64 degrees Fahrenheit.

3/27/2016 – Racked to 2 carboys, moved to refrigerator.

05/03/2016 – Racked carboy B to Doug’s keg

Into the kegerator to begin carbonating… though a higher pressure will ultimately be needed

B: F.G. – 1.001, 4.3 degrees Brix
B: ABV: 5.0%

11/06/2016 – Racked carboy A to a keg

A: F.G. – 1.004, 5.2 degrees Brix
A: ABV: 4.45%

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