Brew #88 – Blacklands Mild #5

Brew #88 – Blacklands Mild #5

11/22/2015 – Brew day

13 gal strike water at 156 degrees F

Mashed at 152 degrees F

10 lbs – Blacklands crystal brown
0.75 oz – US Magnum hop pellets (13.5 alpha – 60 min)
0.5 0z – UK Challenger hop pellets (8.5% alpha – 60 min)
2 tsp – Irish moss (15 min)
1 tsp – Yeast Nutrient (15 min)

Chilled to 77 degrees F

Dissolved 785 g dark brown Jaggery in 2 qts water and added to the wort

O.G.: 1.019, 6.2 degrees Brix

Aerated for 30 seconds (each fermenter) with pure O2

Split one smack pack of Wyeast 1056 American Ale Yeast between the 2 fermenters

11/29/2015 – Kegged

F.G.: 1.006, 1.005, 3.6 degrees Brix, 3.4 degrees Brix
1.8% ABV

12/17/2015 – Added coffee beans to one keg

Added 64 grams of RedHorn Ethiopian Yirgacheffe to one keg of mild.

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