Brew #84 – Irish Red #12

Brew #84 – Irish Red #12

09/12/2015 – Brew Day

2.25 lbs – Munich ale malt
8 oz – Crystal 40L malt
4 oz – Crystal 120L malt
2 oz – De-bittered black malt
5 lb – Munich LME
1 oz – Glacier hop pellets (5.0% alpha – 60 min)
0.75 oz – Cascade hop pellets (8.2% alpha – 15 min)
1 capsule – Yeast fuel (15 min)
1 tablet – Whirlfloc (15 min)
0.25 oz – Cascade hop pellets (8.2% alpha – 5 min)

Racked on top of the Blacklands Mild (Brew #83)

Just poured from the brew kettle into the fermenter from about 4 feet to aerate.

O.G.: 1.054, 13.8 degrees Brix

Fermented at 68 degrees F on White Labs  WLP004 Irish Ale yeast

09/19/2015 – Racked to secondary (used StarSan in secondary).  Preserved the yeast cake from the primary and split it between the two primaries of a double-batch, all-grain Irish Red which we brewed on the 19th.

09/26/2015 – Kegged

F.G.: 1.015, 7.5 degrees Brix
ABV: 5.1%

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