Brew #74 – Milk Chocolate Stout

Brew #74 – Milk Chocolate Stout

02/15/2015 – Brew day

2.5 lbs – Pale Ale malt
1 lb – Flaked oats
1 lb – Chocolate male
0.5 lbs – Crystal 60L malt
0.5 lbs – De-Bittered Black malt
2 oz – Black Patent malt
4 lbs, 13 oz – Amber LME
26 oz – Lactose Milk sugar
1 oz – Nugget hop pellets (60 min)
0.25 oz – Summit hop pellets (60 min)
1 – WhirlFloc (15 min)
1 – BrewVint Yeast Fuel (15 min)
2 oz – Belgian Cocoa Powder (5 min)
5 oz – BrewVint Body Builder (0 min)

O.G.: 1.073, 18.3 degrees Brix

Fermented with Wyeast 1098 – British Ale Yeast @ 68 degrees F

02/22/2015 – Racked to Secondary

Added 4 oz of cacao nibs

03/16/2015 – Kegged

F.G.: 1.033, 11.7 degrees Brix
ABV: 5.2%

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