Brew #67 – Chocolate Orange Holiday Ale

Brew #67 – Chocolate Orange Holiday Ale

09/13/2014 – Brew Day

0.5 lbs – Crystal 40L malt
2 lbs – Pale ale malt
1 0z – Black patent malt
0.75 lbs – Chocolate malt
5 lbs – Munich LME
1 lb – Malto dextrin
1 oz – Magnum hop pellets (60 min)
1 – Chocolate orange holiday pack (Cinnamon, sweet orange peel, bitter orange peel) (15 min)
0.5 tsb – Yeast nutrient (DAP) (15 min)
1 tsp – Irish moss (15 min)
2 oz – Belgian cocoa powder (5 min)

O.G.: 1.061, 14.9 degrees Brix

Fermented with Wyeast Ringwood ale yeast (1187) at 68 degrees F

09/22/2014 – Racked to secondary

11/18/2014 – Kegged

F.G.: 1.009, 6.6 degrees Brix
6.8% ABV

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