Brew #63 – Sour Lemongrass Blonde

Brew #63 – Sour Lemongrass Blonde

04/13/2014 – Started a sour wort

5 lbs – Extra pale LME
1 lb – Unmilled 2-Row malt (for lacto-bacillus)
3 gal – Spring water

Warmed to 110 degrees F, covered wort surface with Saran wrap (to limit O2 exposure), and put in the smoker set to 110 degrees F (72 hrs)

04/16/2014 – Brew day

1 lb – Corn sugar
1 oz – Brewer’s Gold hop pellets (60 min)
1 teaspoon – Irish moss (15 min)
0.5 teaspoon – Yeast nutrient (15 min)
1 oz – Lemongrass (5 min)

Shook to aerate

O.G.: 1.045, 11.2 degrees Brix

Fermented at 68 degrees F with White Labs German Ale / Kolsch yeast (WLP029)

Racked on top of the yeast cake from Brew #62

05/05/2014 – Racked to Secondary

06/29/2014 – Kegged

F.G.: 1.005, 5.2 degrees Brix
ABV: 5.2%

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