Brew #60 – Bourbon Vanilla Imperial Porter

Brew #60 – Bourbon Vanilla Imperial Porter

From a recipe from a recipe at Barley Dog Brewery

03/09/2014 – Created a WLP001 yeast starter on a stir plate

03/10/2014 – Brew Day

2.5 lbs – Munich Malt
2 lbs – 2-Row (Pale) Malt
1.5 lbs – Brown Malt
1 lb – 120L Crystal Malt
0.5 lbs – 40L Crystal Malt
0.5 lbs – Chocolate Malt

Mashed in a 5 gal Igloo drink cooler.  173 degrees F strike water, mashed at 153 degrees F.  Calculated incorrectly, so needed to add a half gallon of cold water.  Mashed for an hour.

Sparged in 2 batches through a grain bag and a colander with 1.5 gal of 170 degrees F spring water.  Scooped the grain out of the cooler with a small pot.

6 lbs – Extra Pale LME
1.25 oz – US Magnum  Hop Pellets (60 min)
1 tsp – Yeast Nutrient (15 min)
1 tsp – Irish Moss (15 min)
0.75 oz – East Kent Goldings (10 min)

O.G.: 1.074, 18.8 degrees Brix

Shook to aerate, then aerated with pure O2 through an air stone for 45 sec.

Fermented with White Labs California Ale Yeast (WLP001)
Fermented in the fermentation chamber at 68 degrees F

04/05/2014 – Racked to secondary

I.G.: 1.023, 9.0 degrees Brix

04/12/2014 – Started vanilla extract

Cut up 2 vanilla beans and covered them in vodka

05/07/2014 – Filtered vodka vanilla extract into secondary

Poured vodka through a coffee filter into the secondary.  Added another ounce of vodka to the vanilla beans.

05/28/2014 – Kegged

Filtered the remaining vanilla extract through a coffee filter into the keg.

F.G.: 1.023, 10.8 degrees Brix
ABV: 6.7%

05/29/2014 – Added Bourbon

375 ml of Jim Beam Black Double Aged 8-year old Bourbon

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