Brew #59 – Apple Cider 2

Brew #59 – Apple Cider 2

02/23/2014 – Brew day

Apple Cider started out at 1.052, 10.4 Degrees Brix

Added 1 lb, 9 oz corn sugar to bring it up to 1.063, 14.1 Degrees Brix

Fermented at 68 degrees F in the fermentation chamber with White Labs English Cider Yeast (WLP775)

03/10/2014 – Moved out of the fermentation chamber to make way for another beer

04/05/2014 – Racked to secondary

Still very cloudy.  Hopefully another month or two will clear it up.  Maybe a cold crash is in order if it doesn’t clear before too long.

I.G.: 1.011, 5.4 degrees Brix

05/14/2014 – Racked again

Racked off of a fair amount of yeast that settled out.  Added 1 Tbsp of bentonite (that soaked in 3/4 cup hot water for 24 hrs) and moved it to the fridge to cold crash.

05/28/2014 – Kegged

Clearer, but still not crystal clear  Oh well… out of time.  Very dry.

F.G.: 1.000, 5.4 degrees Brix
ABV: 6.8%

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