Charcuterie #5 – Applewood Smoked Bacon #3

Charcuterie #5 – Applewood Smoked Bacon #3

01/02/2014 – Cut into 6 parts, added cure mix to each gallon zip lock and refrigerated

12 lb (approx 5443 g) – Pork belly
1 cup – Maple Sugar
0.5 cup – Kosher salt
1 Tbsp – Ground black peppercorns
2 tsp – Fresh thyme
0.75 tsp – Pink Salt (Insta-cure #1)
3 – Small bay leaves (0.5 per bag)

Flipped bags over every 2 days

01/18/2014 – Smoked the Bacon

Cured weight going into the smoker:
1146 g, 745 g, 1075 g, 914 g, 1092 g, 923 g = 5895 g

Starting bacon temp 42 degrees F (4:08 pm)
Smoker at 185 degrees F

Bacon temp over time:
30 min: 55 degrees F
60 min: 80 degrees F
90 min: 110 degrees F
120 min: 125 degrees F
150 min: 134 degrees F
180 min: 138 degrees F
— Set smoker to 200 degrees F at 180 min —
210 min: 141 degrees F
240 min: 145 degrees F
270 min: 150 degrees F

Weight after smoking and cooling:
968 g, 601 g, 945 g, 807 g, 944 g, 845 g = 5110 g

Sliced on thickness #4

Weight after slicing:
910 g, 582 g, 896 g, 761 g, 944 g, 822 g = 4915 g

Scraps after slicing: 219 g

Approximately 83% of the cured weight remained after packaging

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