Wine #5 – Viognier 2013

Wine #5 – Viognier 2013

09/30/2013 – Collected Juice

50 ppm K-Meta
Pectic Enzyme

10/01/2013 – Pitched Yeast

O.G.: 22.1% Brix
pH: 4.02
TA: 4.6 g/L

6 g – D-47 yeast
7.5 g – Go-Ferm
3 g – Fermaid-K

10/02/2013 – Added Acid

To raise  TA to 7 g/L:
54.7 g Tartartic Acid

10/03/2013 – Second Fermaid-K Addition

3 g – Fermaid-K @ 12% Brix

11/09/2013 – Added Bentonite

11/23/2013 – Racked to secondary

01/19/2014 – Racked again

This time the wine is extremely clear.  Bentonite and cold crashing has done the trick.  It’s about time for bottling!

03/02/2014 – Bottled

F.G.: 0.992
ABV: 13.3%
pH: 3.71
SO2: 14 ppm

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