Brew #49 – Sour Mash Berliner

Brew #49 – Sour Mash Berliner

Based on the recipe here.

09/18/2013 – Sour Mash

3 lbs – 2-Row
1 lb – Malted Wheat
0.5 lb – Malted Rye

2 gallons of strike water at 161 degrees F.  Mashed at 152 degrees F for an hour.  Cooled to 120 degrees F by adding 1 gallon if cold spring water.  To inoculate, added:

0.75 lb – Un-milled 2-Row

Covered the surface of the mash with saran wrap and floated CO2 on the surface.  Soured mash at 110 degrees F for 72 hrs.

09/21/2013 – Brew Day

During the souring, some fuzzy stuff grew around the edges where the Saran Wrap did not cover.  Most of the area under the Saran Wrap had a white pellicle growing. The smell was very similar to tomato soup.  Not a very strong smell.

After removing the Saran Wrap and skimming the pellicle, the mash was strained through a grain bag.  I squeezed most of the liquid out, but did not sparge.

45 minute Boil

1 lb – Light DME
0.5 oz – Hallertau hop pellets (15 min)
1 tsp – Irish Moss (15 min)
0.5 tsp – Yeast Nutrient (15 min)

O.G.: 1.038, 8.9% Brix

Fermented with Wyeast 1056 (American Ale Yeast) from Brew #48.  Dumped most of the trub from Brew #48 down the drain, but reserved approx. 2 cups to inoculate this batch.

09/28/2013 – Racked to secondary

Still quite cloudy.

10/17/2013 – Kegged

F.G.: 1.005, 4.3 Degrees Brix
ABV: 4.3%

Extremely clear now.  Fairly tart… I think this will be a good one.

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