Brew #47 – Paragon Apricot Blonde

Brew #47 – Paragon Apricot Blonde

This is a Pro Series kit from Northern Brewer.

09/14/2013 – Brew Day

0.5 lb – Briess Caramel (20L)
6.3 lb – Gold LME
1 lb – Briess Golden Light DME
1 oz – Cascade (60 min)
0.5 tsp – Yeast nutrient (15 min)
1 tsp – Irish Moss (15 min)

Shook to aerate.

Pitched Wyeast 1056 (American Ale Yeast)

O.G.: 1.056, 13.6% Brix

Fermenting at 68 degrees F in the fermentation chamber

09/16/2013 – Racked to secondary

Added 0.5 tsp pectic enzyme to the 3 lb, 1 oz can of Apricot puree.
Racked the still fermenting beer on top of the puree.  With only 2 days in the fermenter, it was still churning and had a 1.5″ krausen.  After racking the activity was pretty much stopped.  The yeast cake was used immediately for Brew #48.

After a few hours, the activity has returned and there is a very small krausen on the top.  The apricot seems to have settled on the bottom.

Overnight the Krausen has fully reformed.  I mixed up the apricot from the bottom again hoping that it will all be exposed to the yeast.

Used info from here:

09/21/2013 – Racked to Tertiary

I.G.: 1.013, 6.9% Brix

10/17/2013 – Kegged

F.G.: 1.012, 7.0 Degrees Brix
ABV: 5.8%

Added 4 oz of Apricot flavor

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