Brew #46 – Szechuan Saison

Brew #46 – Szechuan Saison

06/30/2013 – Brew day

0.5 lbs – Belgian caravienne
3.15 lbs – Pilsen LME
1 lb – Pilsen DME
1 lb – Wheat DME
1 oz – UK Kent Goldings (60 min)
0.5 tsp – Yeast nutrient (15 min)
1 tsp – Irish moss (15 min)
0.8 oz – Ground Szechuan peppercorns (Prickly Ash)  (15 min)
0.25 oz – Styrian goldings (10 min)
0.25 oz – Saaz (10 min)
0.75 oz – Styrian goldings (2 min)
0.75 oz – Saaz (2 min)
1 pack – Wyeast 3711 French Saison yeast

Fermentation chamber set to 68F, planning to ramp up temperature set point 2 degrees F each day.

O.G.: 1.040, 10.0% Brix

08/19/2013 – Racked to secondary

F.G.: 1.001, 4.2% Brix
4.7 % ABV

Added 2 oz vodka to 0.7 oz prickly ash (in an attempt to sanitize).
Poured the vodka into secondary through a grain bag, straining the prickly ash.
Tied a knot in the bag and stuffed it into the secondary.

09/02/2013 – Kegged

Racked out of the carboy and tossed the now spent prickly ash.

Very nice aroma; fairly strong citrus.  Tasted smooth and pretty distinctively of prickly ash.  Slight tingling on the lips after a few swallows.  Can’t wait until this is cold and carbed!

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