Brew #43 – White House Honey Porter

Brew #43 – White House Honey Porter

… aaand… we’re back!

04/22/2013 – Created a yeast starter

1.5 L – Water
150 g – Light DME
1 pinch – Yeast nutrient
1 pouch – Wyeast 1056 American Ale Yeast

04/23/2013 – Brew day

1 lb – Briess caramel malt
0.75 lb – Briess munich malt
0.625 lb – English black malt
0.188 lb – English chocolate malt
6.3 lb – Gold malt syrup (60 min)
0.5 oz – Nugget hop pellets (45 min)
0.5 0z – Nugget hop pellets (30 min)
1 lb – Honey (15 min)
0.5 tsp – Yeast nutrient (15 min)
1 tsp – Irish moss (15 min)
0.5 oz – Hallertau hop pellets (0 min)

Aerated by shaking

O.G.: 1.060, 14.3 % Brix

Fermenting at 68 degrees F

05/12/2013 – Kegged

F.G.: 1.013, 8.0% Brix
6.1% ABV

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