Brew #42 – Blueberry Cream Porter

Brew #42 – Blueberry Cream Porter

12/23/2012 – Brew Day

0.75 lbs – Flaked Spelt malt
1.5 lbs  – 2-Row malt
0.5 lbs – Chocolate malt
0.25 lbs – Caraaroma malt
0.75 lbs – Caramunich malt
0.25 lbs – De-bittered Black malt
5 lbs – Extra Pale extract
14 oz – Corn sugar (1% Alcohol boost)
1 oz – Progress hop pellets (60 min)

Shook to aerate

Pitched a tube of White Labs English Ale yeast (WLP-002)

O.G.: 1.055, 13.9% Brix

Fermented at 68 degrees F

12/30/2012 – Racked to secondary

Added 2 oz – Vanilla Extract Powder

05/02/2013 – Kegged

Left out the Blueberry flavoring since the beer was already good.

F.G.: 1.014, 6.7 % Brix
5.4% ABV

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