Brew #29 – Dead Ringer IPA

Brew #29 – Dead Ringer IPA

06/30/2012 – Yeast starter

160 grams of DME in 1750 mL of water (boiled down to 1600 mL)
Wyeast 1056 American Ale yeast

07/01/2012 – Brew day

1 lb – Briess caramel 40
9.15 lbs – Gold malt syrup
1 oz – Centennial hop pellets (60 min)
1 oz – Centennial hop pellets (20 min)
2 oz – Centennial hop pellets (5 min)

No Irish moss or yeast nutrient this time.

Target O.G.: 1.064
Actual O.G.: 1.060, 15 deg Brix

07/02/2012 – Pitched yeast

Now that the fermentation chamber has brought the wort to the desired temp, pitch 75% of the 1.6 L starter (saving the rest in the fridge for a new starter to make a Vanilla Porter).  Pitched 17 hrs after flame-out.

07/08/2012 – Racked to secondary

I.G.: 1.010, 7.3 deg Brix

Pretty cloudy still.  This sill sit in secondary for a while before dry-hopping.

07/21/2012 – Added dry hops

Soaked dry hops (1 oz Centennial hop pellets) in vodka for 15 minutes, then poured vodka into the carboy and hung the infuser from the stopper.

08/01/2012 – Bottled 16 (dark green caps) and kegged the rest

F.G.: 1.010, 7.1 deg Brix
ABV: 6.6%

Used coopers carb tabs in the bottles.

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