Brew #28 – Irish Red #4

Brew #28 – Irish Red #4

05/26/2012 – Created 750 mL starter of White Labs WLP004 Irish ale yeast

05/28/2012 – Brew day

1.5 lb – 2-row malt
0.5 lb – Cara Munich malt
0.5 lb – Crystal 120L malt
1 lb – Munich malt
5 lbs – Munich malt extract
9 oz – Corn sugar
0.5 tsp – Yeast nutrient
1.5 oz – Hallertau hops (60 min)
0.5 oz – Cascade hops (15 min)
1 tsp – Irish moss
0.5 oz – Cascade hops (5 min)

Aerated by shaking

O.G. = 1.054, 13.7 deg Brix

Fermenting at 68 deg F

06/26/2012 – Bottled 16 (red caps, tall bottles) and kegged the rest

F.G. = 1.009, 6.7 deg Brix
5.9% ABV

Used Cooper’s carb tabs in the bottles

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