Brew #27 – Black IPA

Brew #27 – Black IPA

05/16/2012 – Created a 1500 mL starter of Wyeast 1272 American Ale Yeast II

05/19/2012 – Brew day

0.25 lbs – Dehusked carafa III
0.25 lbs – Chocolate malt
0.5 lbs – Briess caramel 80
3.15 lbs – Dark malt extract
1 oz – Summit hops (60 min)
6 lbs – Dark malt extract (15 min)
1 oz – Chinook (15 min)
1 tsp – Irish moss (15 min)
0.125 tsp – Yeast nutrient (15 min)
1 oz – Centennial (10 min)
1 oz – Cascade (5 min)
1 oz – Centennial (0 min)
1 lb – Corn sugar (0 min)

O.G. = 1.066, 16.3 deg Brix

Aerated with O2 for 45 sec

Fermented with Brew #26 (72 – 66 deg F)

05/27/2012 – Racked to secondary

I.G. = 1.017, 9.1 deg Brix

1 oz – Cascade hops (pre-soaked in vodka)

Nice hop bitterness and slightly roasty

06/05/2012 – Removed dry hops

06/27/2012 – Bottled 12 (dark green caps, Abita bottles) and kegged the rest

Used cooper’s carb tabs for the bottles

F.G. = 1.015, 8.9 deg Brix
6.7% ABV

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