Brew #23 – Smoked Porter

Brew #23 – Smoked Porter

04/18/2012 – Brew Day

0.25# chocolate malt
2 oz Crystal 90L malt
2# 2-row malt
1# rauch malt
0.5# black patent malt
6.5# amber extract
1.5oz kent golding hops for 60 minutes
1oz glacier for 15 minutes
0.5oz kent golding for 5 minutes
2 tubes WLP008 (White Labs East Coast Ale yeast)

We’re using more sparge water than we typically do, by 50%, in order to rinse out more fermentables and flavor-contributing compounds.
OG 1.059, a little down from the predicted 1.065
Brix 14.8

05/06/2012 – Bottled 12, Racked one gallon for bacon, kegged the rest.

Used 1 Cooper’s carb tab in each bottle

FG: 1.011, 7.8 Brix, 6.29% ABV

Baked 6 slices of bacon at 325 degrees for about 30 minutes until crispy.  Split between meat (0.78 oz) and fat (1.06 oz).  Daren drank all the vodka, so the fat wash will have to wait.

05/28/2012 – Bottled 11 “Smoked Porker” (Bacon Smoked Porter)

Added fat-washed bacon extract through a coffee filter straight out of the freezer
Added 0.9 oz corn sugar for priming

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