Brew #22 – Irish Red #3

Brew #22 – Irish Red #3

04/08/2012 – Brew Day

1.5# 2-Row Malt
8 oz Cara Munich Malt
8 oz Crystal 120L Malt
1# Munich Malt
5# Munich Malt Extract
1.5oz Hallertau @ 60 minutes
0.5oz Cascade @ 15 minutes
1 tsp Irish Moss @ 10 minutes
0.5oz Cascade @ 5 minutes
Pitched 1 tube of White Labs Irish Ale WLP004 yeast
OG: 1.045, 11.1 Brix

04/15/2012 – Rack to secondary

IG: 1.009, 5.9 Brix

04/22/2012 – Bottled 16 and kegged the rest

FG: 1.008
4.85% ABV

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