Brew #15 – Imperial Irish Red

Brew #15 – Imperial Irish Red

12/03/2011 – Brew Day

1 lb – 2-row malt
0.75 lb – Cara munich malt
0.75 lb – Crystal 120L malt
1 lb – Munich malt
7 lb – Munich extract
1 lb – Amber DME
2 oz – Hallertau hop pellets (60 min)
0.5 oz – Cascade hop pellets (15 min)
0.5 oz – Cascade hop pellets (5 min)

Used 1% alcohol boost
OG: 1.074, 18 %B

Racked onto Irish Red yeast cake

Fermentation began in under 4 hrs

Self heated to over 82 degrees F (I have concerns about off flavors)

Not sure what day we racked to secondary

G: 1.013
1/11/2012 – Bottled 53 bottles

FG: 1.014, 10 %B
7.86% ABV
Tastes a bit too sweet and a bit undesirable (perhaps due to the temperature reaching 82 degrees F during fermentation?)

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