Brew #14 – Irish Red #2

Brew #14 – Irish Red #2

11/28/2011 – yeast starter

3 oz DME in 1 qt water.
On stir plate for 36 hours

11/30/2011 – Brew Day

1.5 lb – 2-row malt
0.5 lb – Cara munich malt
0.5 lb – Crystal 120L malt
1 lb – Munich malt
5 lb – Munich malt
1.5 oz – Hallertau hop pellets (60 min)
0.5 oz – Cascade hop pellets (15 min)
0.5 oz – Cascade hop pellets (5 min)

Included 1% alcohol boost in boil
Stirred frequently during mash
Mashed for 1 hr
OG: 1.052, 14.5 %B

Fermented with White labs Irish ale yeast WLP004

12/03/1022 – Racked to secondary

IG: 1.011, 6.2% B
Racked to a keg and bottled 9 bottles 12/14/2011

FG: 1.007, 7.0% B
5.9% ABV
Used carb tabs for the 9 bottles
CO2 at 25 PSI chilling starting at room temperature
CO2 at 20 PSI at 50 degrees
CO2 at 15 PSI at 34 degrees

Turned out great! All consumed at the Christmas party

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