Brew #12 – Black Cherry Wheat

Brew #12 – Black Cherry Wheat

10/23/2011 – Brew Day

1.5 lb – White wheat
0.5 lb – Carapils malt
1.5 lb – 2-row malt
5 lb – Wheat extract
1 oz – Perle hop pellets (60 min)
0.5 oz – Mt. Hood hop pellets (15 min)
0.5 oz – Mt. Hood hop pellets (5 min)

OG: 1.051
Included alcohol boost in boil.
Aerated wort for 20 minutes in brew pot with air stone and aerated 2 gal of water in fermenter for 1.5 hrs prior to mixing and adding another 0.5 gal water.

Fermented with White labs California ale V yeast WLP051

11/10/2011 – Racked to secondary

11/12/2011 – Bottled 55 bottles

FG: 1.007, 7.1 %B
5.8% ABV

Added 1 fl. oz. (half the bottle) of black cherry flavoring
Added 4.5 oz priming sugar in 1 pint water

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