Brew #11 – Clone of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale

Brew #11 – Clone of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale

10/22/2011 – Brew Day

10 oz – Crystal 60L malt
2.5 lb – 2-row malt
5 lb – Extra pale malt
1 oz – Perle hop pellets (60 min)
1 oz – Cascade hop pellets (15 min)
0.5 oz – Cascade hop pellets (0 min)

OG: 1.042
Aerated with air stone in brew pot after cooled and aerated 1.5 gal water for 3 hours in fermenter before mixing.

Fermented with White labs California ale yeast WLP001

11/3/2011 – Racked to secondary

Added dry-hop stage
0.5 oz – Cascade hop pellets
FG: 1.008
That means 4.45% alcohol at this stage.

11/10/2011 – Bottled 54 bottles

Used 4.8oz priming sugar for 2.52 vols CO2
FG: 1.007, 6 Brix

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