Brew #10 – Malt Lick Her (Dubel Tripel)

Brew #10 – Malt Lick Her (Dubel Tripel)

9/24/2011 – Brew day

6 lbs – Belgian pils (2-row)
0.5 lbs – Carafoam
5 lbs – Extra light DME
3.5 lbs – Corn sugar
1 oz – Syrian goldings pellet hops (60 min)
0.5 tsb – Yeast nutrient (60 min)
5 oz – Saaz pellet hops (15 min)
3 lbs – Pale LME (15 min)
3 lbs – Honey (10 min)
2 oz – Saaz pellet hops (0 min)

Unknown original gravity, started at viscosity of pancake syrup… approximated at 1.170

Aerated by shaking violently… plan to use pure O2 in the future
White Lab Super High Gravity Yeast (WLP099)
No starter used… plan to brew a dubel or trippel as a starter in the future

09/26/2011 – Added 3 lbs LME, 1.5 lbs corn sugar (dissolved in boiling water)

10/9/2011 – Pitched new starter

1 qt water and 3oz DME. Pitched Super-High Gravity yeast. Starter didn’t ever really take off after 2 days.
Gravity at this stage: 1.052

Pitched another starter 10/23+/2011

Created a starter using 1 qt of the beer and 3oz DME. Aerated with air through an air stone. Filled a 1 gal jug with foam. Air stone in wort this high gravity seems to foam until there is no fluid left. Does that mean that it’s well aerated? Pitched yeast after foam was down to 0.5 gal and covered with foil. The starter never took off (perhaps due to the alcohol in the beer). It was never pitched.

Sampled on 4/22/2012

Tested at 1.052 again… fermentation is long over.  Now very clear.

Approx ABV: 15.5%

07/05/2012 – Sampled starter

Tasted horrible.  Dumped it out (worth a shot (ok… maybe not)).

09/24/2012 – Filled 30 bottles (16 oz swingtops)

Bottled still.  We tested force carbonating it, but we prefer it still and warm.  Think of it as a Port wine.

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