Brew #7 – Clone of Abita Purple Haze

Brew #7 – Clone of Abita Purple Haze

07/16/2011 – Brew Day

2.5 lb – White wheat
1.5 lb – 2-row malt
3.5 lb – Wheat extract
0.5 oz – Chinook hop pellets (60 min)
0.5 oz – Mt. Hood hop pellets (5 min)

Fermented with White labs American Hefeweizen ale yeast WLP320

Used Alcohol Boost (remebered to add it to the boil this time)
OG: 1.045
FG: 1.003

Again, no records, but it tasted pretty good. The Raspberry flavor was a little strong. We’d used a whole bottle of the raspberry flavoring. Next time, we’ll try using just a half and see if that’s better.

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