Brew #5 – Irish Red

Brew #5 – Irish Red

06/25/2011 – Brew Day

0.25 lb – Crystal 120L malt
2.25 lb – 2-row malt
2 oz – De-bittered black malt
0.5 lb – Crystal 40L malt
5 lb – Extra pale extract
1 oz – Northdown hop pellets (60 min)
0.75 oz – Hallertau hop pellets (15 min)
0.25 oz – Hallertau hop pellets (5 min)

Fermented with White labs Irish ale yeast WLP004

OG: 1.043
FG: 1.006
4.85% ABV

We didn’t keep any records on this one. But … It turned out to taste awesome!

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