Brew #2 – IPA

Brew #2 – IPA

6/7/2011 – Brew Day

1.75 lb – 2-Row malt
1 lb – Crystal 75L malt
6 lb – Extra pale extract
1 oz – Magnum hop pellets (60 min)
1 oz – Falconer’s flight hop pellets (15 min)

Fermented with White labs California ale yeast WLP001

Grains stirred often while soaking. Cooled with immersion chiller and pre-chiller (in ice bath). Original gravity: 1.056 (77 degrees)

6/14/2011 – Racked to secondary
Clamp used on racking cane eliminated air leak. Very low activity in secondary.
Dry hopped by dumping 1 oz Cascade hop pellets into secondary
Gravity: 1.012 (76 degrees). 5.8%

6/20/2011 – Moved the secondary to the fridge
Attempted to cold break to improve clarity.

6/21/2011 – Removed the secondary from the fridge
Spent about 12 hrs in the fridge. Didn’t seem to have a very noticeable affect. Sample tasted great, though!

6/21/2011 – Added “finings”
Again, attempting to improve clarity.

6/25/2011 – Bottled 43 bottles
Went smoothly. Used 1 carb tab per 12oz bottle.

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